Best Metals, Fredericton - New Brunswick, Locally Owned & Operated Since 1991
Bottle Exchange
Have a large quantity of bottles? We can provide pick up service!

Holiday Hours:
During holiday weekends, Best Metals will be closed on Saturday and reopen on the following Tuesday morning at 8:00 am

If you have a large quantity of bottles
Best Metals can provide pick up service - call 453-1020 for details!
  • .10 cents for all cans, pop bottles, juice bottles, mini sips, liquor bottles (500ml & under)
  • .20 cents for all liquor bottles (501ml & up)
  • $1.20 for a dozen beer bottles
  • Can provide cube van or truck for bottle drives
  • Electronic counting machines to ensure 99.9% counting accuracy
  • * Must be containers bought only in New Brunswick & say "Return For Refund"
  • * Please remove all bottle caps/covers. It would be greatly appreciated

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